08 Oct 2018
2 min read
Weight management

Yogurt may help when dieting

obesity weight gain overweight dieting
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“Yogurt consumption is associated with reduced weight gain over time” is one is one of the 10 evidence-based conclusions made by the YINI board about the health effects of yogurt… learn more below.

Yogurt may help when dieting

  • Some evidence exists to suggest that including yogurt in a calorie-controlled diet leads to greater
    weight loss.
  • A 3-month trial in 34 obese people found that those including three servings of fat-free yogurt daily as part of an energy-restricted diet lost 22% more body weight and 61% more body fat than those not eating yogurt.

“In terms of obesity, dairy products in general, and yogurt in particular, have either a neutral or a positive association with reduced body fat both in adults and in children.” – Professor Luis Moreno

  • Chen M, Pan A, Malik VS, et al. Effects of dairy intake on body weight and fat: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Am J Clin Nutr 2012;96:735–47.
  • Jacques PF, Wang H. Yogurt and weight management. Am J Clin Nutr 2014;99(5 Suppl):1229S–34S.
  • Zemel MB, Richards J, Mathis S, et al. Dairy augmentation of total and central fat loss in obese subjects. Int J Obes (Lond) 2005:29:391–7.