08 Oct 2013
1 min read
Cardiovascular health

Low fat dairy products and yogurt lower the risk of hypertension

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What makes this review original is that it makes comparisons between low-fat dairy products, full-fat dairy products, cheese and liquid dairy products (milk and yogurt). The results show a 13% reduction in the risk of hypertension with consumption of dairy products.

Segmentation by category of dairy products, however, showed a significant association with low-fat dairy products (- 16%) and liquid dairy products (- 8%). This effect was not observed for cheese and full-fat dairy products.

Source: Ralston RA et al. J Hum Hypertens. 2012 Jan; 26(1):3-13. doi: 10.1038/jhh.2011.3. Epub 2011 Feb 10.