08 Dec 2015
15 min read

What is a healthy snack ?

weight yogurt snack protein calcium Digest sugar
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This Digest is all about #Snack #Yogurt & #Definitions #Recommendations
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Snacking thoughts

Do you like to snack? If so you aren’t alone. Money spent on snacking is increasing year on year; the global annual market is currently worth $374 billion (1), and research points to snacking making a significant contribution to average daily energy intakes (2).

Making healthier food choices and reducing calorie intake in our food-filled environment can be challenging. It requires planning, nutrition knowledge, portion control, label reading skills and calorie awareness. Strategies that simplify the process and provide more structure have been shown to be helpful. For example, using goal setting techniques with a specific plan of how to achieve the goal, creating meal and snack plans, advising on portion controlled foods, and devising shopping lists (3).

Snacking is often considered undesirable, but it all depends on what you choose to eat! Reach for a low sugar cereal bar and you’ll be contributing to your fibre intake, popcorn offers you whole grains and a pot of yogurt will bring a healthy serving of calcium and protein. Such foods may be particularly important for children who may have inadequate fibre or calcium intakes.
What does the evidence say? Does it depend on what we choose to snack on? And how can we tell if a snack is healthy or not?



1. The Nielsen Company, SNACK ATTACK : What consumer are reaching for around the world, September 2014
2. Janette C Brand-Miller, Susanna HA Holt, Dorota B Pawlak, and Joanna McMillan. Glycemic index and obesity. Am J Clin Nutr 2002;76(suppl):281S–5S 3.Foster GD, Makris AP, Bailer BA. Behavioural treatment of obesity. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005; 82 (suppl): 230S-5S.
3. Foster GD, Makris AP, Bailer BA. Behavioural treatment of obesity. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005; 82 (suppl): 230S-5S.