This local symposium, tailor-made for Argentinian nutrition experts, was a great opportunity to review the scientific evidence about the benefits associated with the regular consumption of yogurt.
Here are the key messages for each talk as well as a selection of references for each of the speakers present at this special session that you will find on this website:
Adam Drewnowski talked about the nutrient and energy density of yogurt
- he showed that yogurt obtains high scores in terms of nutrient density and energy density
- and highlighted how yogurt has good scores in all nutrients calculation systems
- yogurt thus appears to be a nutrient dense food, which provides “useful” calories compared to empty calories
- yogurt provides minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc; vitamins such as B2, B12, D and proteins
- he concluded on the fact that different studies have associated regular consumption of yogurt with better control of body weight
Read further from Professor Drewnowski
Andrew Prentice made a presentation of yogurt from a public health standpoint
- he explained that yogurt represents a cost-effective approach to public health
- according to him yogurt may have benefits in weight control & type 2 diabetes
Read further from Professor Prentice
Nancy Babio presented the epidemiological evidence about yogurt consumption and type 2 diabetes
- Nancy Babio reminded that yogurt consumption has been associated with a 28% lower probability of suffering from type 2 diabetes
- yogurt nutrients and peptides influence glucose and insulin sensitivity, reducing cardiometabolic risk
- evidence suggests that, independently of the fat or sugar yogurt contains, its consumption is associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes
- intervention studies are needed to establish a causal relationship between yogurt and type 2 diabetes
Read further from Dr Nancy Babio
André Marette then talked about the possible role of fermented foods in reducing the risk of developing non-communicable diseases
- yogurt is obtained through the lactic acid fermentation of milk and contains live bacteria
- fermentation produces a certain number of modifications (taste, texture, shelf-life) as well as by-products (bioactive peptides)
- current studies focus on the identification of mechanisms by which the consumption of yogurt positively impacts our health
- yogurt’s positive impact on our health: digestion of lactose, reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and possibly in a reduced risk of heart disease
Read further from Professor André Marette
Maria Elisa Zapata then presented the results of her study about yogurt consumption in Argentina and diet nutritional density
- Dr Zapata’s results tend to show that simple food swapping, including yogurt, have an impact on diet quality
- when meals include dairy products or yogurt, their nutrient density – i.e. concentration of nutrients per amount of food – is greater.
Read more about healthy food swaps
Luis Moreno did a presentation on how yogurt qualifies as a healthy snack option for children
- epidemiological studies suggest that yogurt, which is an easily digestible food, is associated with healthy lifestyle habits
- obesity prevention is essential during the first years of life
- starting yogurt consumption at an early age may favor control of body weight
Read further from Professor Luis Moreno