As our bones are made of living tissue, it is crucial to consume the right nutrients for strong and healthy bones. A balanced diet and daily physical activity are key in stimulating bone health throughout life and preventing the risk for osteoporosis.
The bone and skeleton structure is influenced by age and each age group needs specific nutrients to support strong bones. A bone-healthy diet helps children and adolescents to build bone mass at a maximum level. Adults need to maintain healthy bones and avoid bone loss. For seniors it is crucial to sustain mobility and independence.
Calcium: a key bone-healthy nutrient
Calcium is a major building block for the skeleton: 99% of the Ca kg found in our body is residing in our bones. Our bones help us to preserve calcium levels in the blood for the nerve and muscle functions. Calcium is needed at all ages, but teenagers in particular need high levels; yogurt contains also proteins and vitamin D, which contribute to their growth.
Yogurt as a treatment
Coeliac diseases and other gastrointestinal disorders may affect nutritional status and increase the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. Yogurt consumption is recommended to fuel adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D. People who suffer from lactose maldigestion or intolerance avoid dairy foods in general, which increases the risk of calcium deficiency and osteoporosis. Yogurt is the perfect alternative, as it contains live culture and is well tolerated.